The Gymnosperm Database


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Conservation Status

Conservation status 2013

Podocarpus teysmannii

Miquel 1859

Common names

Kalek rotan (on the west coast of Sumatra) (de Laubenfels 1988).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: Podocarpus epiphyticus de Laub. & Silba 1988; Nageia teysmannii (Miq.) Kuntze 1891; P. neriifolius D.Don var. teysmannii (Miq.) Wasscher 1941 (Farjon 1998).

See Podocarpus neriifolius for taxonomic notes on the 17 species in the P. neriifolius complex.


"Tree, 4-12 m tall, up to 30 cm diam. Juvenile leaves to 16 by 2.7 cm. Adult leaves linear, 9-13 by 1.4-2.1 cm, acuminate, narrowing more or less abruptly at the base to 4-7 mm petiole, midrib above 0.6-0.8 mm wide. Pollen cones 2.5 cm, solitary or occasionally paired, sessile. Seed-bearing structure on a 6-11 mm peduncle; foliola 1 mm and early deciduous" (de Laubenfels 1988).

Distribution and Ecology

Malaysia & Indonesia: Malaya and the Westcoast Reserve of Sumatra, including Riouw-Lingga and Banka Is. It grows as an understory tree in primary or secondary rainforest at elevations up to 1140 m; in Banka it grows on granite sands (de Laubenfels 1988).

Remarkable Specimens

No data as of 2023.01.23.




The epithet honors Dutch botanist Johannes Elias Teijsmann (1809-1882), who collected the type specimen.


Miquel. 1859. Fl. Ind. Bat. 2:1072.

See also

de Boer. 1866. Conif. Arch. Ind. 14, t. 1.

Gaussen (1976), p. 189.

Gray, Netta E. 1958. A Taxonomic Revision of Podocarpus, XI. The South Pacific Species of Section Podocarpus, Subsection B. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 39:468. Available: Biodiversity Heritage Library, accessed 2023.01.08.

Laubenfels, D.J. de and J. Silba. 1988. Notes on Asian-Pacific Podocarpaceae, I (Podocarpus). Phytologia 64:290. Available: Biodiversity Heritage Library, accessed 2023.01.07.

Parlatore (1867), p. 516.

Pilger (1903), p. 81.

Warburg (1900), p. 193.

Last Modified 2025-02-22