The Gymnosperm Database

line drawing

Drawing from Li (1975).

line drawing

Line drawing; for full size image go to the Flora of China (Wu and Raven 1999).


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Conservation Status

Conservation status

Keteleeria davidiana var. formosana

Hayata 1908

Common names

台湾油杉 tai wan you shan (Wu and Raven 1999).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: K. formosana Hayata 1908 (Cheng and Fu 1978), K. davidiana sensu Matsuma et Hayata 1906 (Li 1975).


Trees to 35 m tall and 250 cm dbh. Bark dark gray, irregularly furrowed. Twigs short-pilose or glabrous. Leaves flat, linear, 2-4 cm long 3-4 mm broad, keeled on both surfaces, the apex acute to obtuse or emarginate, the margins more or less revolute. Seed cones solitary, erect, cylindric-oblong, 5-15 cm long, 4-4.5 cm in diameter, first green, maturing pale brown. Seeds about 1 cm long, the wing as long as or longer than the seed" (Li 1975). 2n=24 (Kuo et al. 1972, cited in Huang 1994).

Distribution and Ecology

Taiwan: 300-600 m in the extreme north, 500-900 m in the south, usually in association with broad-leaved trees in open settings (Li 1975).

Remarkable Specimens

Some trees are said to achieve 250 cm dbh and 35 m height (Li 1975).



Described collection locales (HAST 1999) include:

Taroko National Park looks like an interesting place to see it.



Herbarium of the Research Center For Biodiversity, Academia Sinica, Taipei [HAST]. 1999. Database output at, accessed 1999.03.15, now defunct.

Hayata, B. 1908. New Conifers from Formosa. Gardeners' Chronicle ser. 3, 43:194. Available: Google Books, accessed 2012.10.29. Described as K. formosana.

Hayata, B. 1908. Flora Montana Formosae - Gymnospermae. J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 25, Art. 19:207-224, figs. (p. 217). Published later the same year as K. davidiana var. formosana.

See also

The species account at Threatened Conifers of the World.

Last Modified 2025-02-10