The Gymnosperm Database


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Conservation Status

Conservation status

Juniperus jaliscana

Martínez 1946

Common names

Jalisco juniper, cedro, enebro (Zanoni and Adams 1979).

Taxonomic notes

No known synonyms (Farjon 1998). Type is Gonzales 7002 (MEXU!) from Cuale in Jalisco (Zanoni and Adams 1979).


Tree to 10 m tall with straight stems, branches ascending to erect, forming a conic or round crown. Bark 1-2 cm thick, of fibrous, interconnected strips, gray-brown over a cinnamon-brown inner bark. Bark on branches is red-brown, scaly. Terminal whip branches erect to strict, their tips very flexible and curved but not recurved. Angle of branching on ultimate twigs is 50-60°. Mature leaves scale-type, opposite (rarely ternate), ovate or ovoid, obtuse, appressed tips with resin gland on center of leaf, 0.7-1.0 mm long, margins finely toothed, green. Female cones with soft, fleshy pulp, irregular and gibbous, red-brown, with a light coat of bloom, 7-8 mm diameter, peduncles straight, seeds (2-)4-9(-11) per cone, subovoid, angular, with resin grooves, 3-4 mm long, 2 mm wide; hilum about one-half the length of the seed. Critical factors in identification include the finely serrate leaf margins (need a 30X lens to see clearly), the cone's appearance, and the number of seeds in the cones (Zanoni and Adams 1979).

Distribution and Ecology

Mexico: Southern Durango and northwest Jalisco (Farjon 1998). Can be found in Durango at El Puerto de las Víbroras, Bosques de San Francisco, and Pueblo Nuevo, at about 2670 m elevation in the pine-oak forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental. In Jalisco, it occurs on the hills at Cuale in the pine-oak-juniper forest at 1335-1600 m elevation (Zanoni and Adams 1979).

Remarkable Specimens

No data as of 2023.03.03.





See also

The species account at Threatened Conifers of the World.

Farjon (2005) provides a detailed account, with illustrations.

Last Modified 2025-02-22